Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sometimes I have good ideas...

Sometimes my ideas are not so good, and there are some ideas for which I am still waiting on revelation.
My latest great idea was to start working from home. The benefits of this great idea include:

  • More time with my children, especially when my 6th grader comes home from school
  • More time to keep my house organized
  • No more driving 20 miles to work on the ice in the middle of February
  • No more sitting next to loud executives who feel they have the right to be loud because they've worked their way up to their position of entitlement
  • No paying for childcare
I could go on with this list, but you get the point. I know there are many moms (and dads for that matter) who would love the opportunity to work from home. I've been trying to accomplish this for years. Unfortunately, now I must also list the downside:

  • Sometimes my kids drive me crazy. That's just the truth. My 4 year-old seems to believe his mission in life is to make noise. He has already come into the office at least 3 times while I was on the phone with customers and stage-whispered, or even just talked at a normal volume, the proceeded to cry when I waved my hands for him to leave! All of the calls I take are recorded, so for the next few days, each time, I was checking my email wondering if I'd get the message that my contract has ended due to violations.
  • So, my house is going through ups and downs of being organized and not-so-organized. :-) If you saw my room when I was growing up, you know this is definitely an "area of opportunity" for me. The problem is, even though I have more time, I still have to conquer my own tendencies of losing track of time and failing to stick to a schedule. I'm working on it. Some people can't stop smoking, drinking, eating, cleaning, having sex, setting fires, speeding, improperly taking medications, and the list goes on - I am organizationally challenged. Let's all try not to judge each other. :-)  
  • Finally, I am no longer afraid to admit it - I am not making as much money as I thought I would be making at this point. In my haste to escape cubicle world, I may have been a little overly optimistic when I was doing my calculations. A factor I should have given a tad bit more weight to is my own lack of self-discipline. (See, I'm just revealing all my dirty little secrets!) It's not over for me though. I am in the process of dusting myself off so you can choose to laugh at me, but I hope you'll be praying for my continued growth.
So, starting with this blog, I am now doing one of the things I originally assigned for myself as a work-at-home-mom, writing everyday. If I don't post in the blog everyday, that doesn't mean I'm not writing, sometimes I will have strictly private issues. :-)

Are you a fellow WAHM needing a pick-me-up as well as great advice on working from home and/or building your business?  Check out Michelle Shaeffer's blog

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